
Power System Analysis

Our engineers have an extensive experience in performing power system studies in several industry standard software packages. Over the years we have helped our clients to build models of their electrical systems and through detailed analysis resolve a variety of issues. Some selection of studies that we can carry out is shown below.

Load Flow
Determine the voltage profile, identify overloaded equipment, set transformer taps and verify power flows through the electrical system.
Short Circuit
Calculate the prospective fault levels on the system to verify the equipment ratings. Determine minimum and maximum fault levels in different operating scenarios.
Harmonic Analysis
Establish the harmonic distortions on the electrical network from harmonic sources. Calculate the harmonic filters required to minimise harmful effects of harmonics.
Transient Analysis
Understanding the response of the electrical system following events like loss of generator, loss of load or a fault.
Protection Discrimination
Co-ordination studies to understand the operation of electrical protection under different scenarios and in various system configurations. Lack of discrimination between the protection relays can lead to equipment damage, nuisance tripping and unreliable operation of the system.
Motor Starting
Critical to understand the electrical system behaviour during motor start-up. Determines the power requirement and voltage/frequency limits to allow successful starts. Identifies potential hazards and enables calculation of settings for the motor protection.
Transformer Energisation
Energisation of power transformers is one of the most frequent operations on electrical systems. Creating an electro-magnetic model of the transformer allows simulation of the inrush currents and voltage recovery following transformer energisation.
Earthing Calculations
To determine a suitable earthing point or grid for electrical network and to help protect against electrical shock, equipment damage or fires. Adequate earthing allows the fault currents to be detected and removed quickly by electrical protection.
Arc Flash Studies
Determine the energy that is released during the arcing fault. This is critical to understand the risk to the personnel and electrical equipment, and allows strategies to be established to mitigate or completely remove the risks from arcing faults.